5 Copywriting Keys That Make Your Web Copy So Powerful
– It’ll Send A Rolling Blackout Through Your Competition
By Mike Jezek Copyright 2007 Mike Jezek. All rights reserved.
Imagine wielding the coveted ability of being able to instantly shut down your competition's websites ... while doubling, tripling or even quadrupling your sales. If I could show you 5 ways that could make this happen, would you be curious to see them?
What if I told you, that the 5 copywriting keys I'm about to show you can help you trump whatever your competitor's copywriters are doing? That's a tall order isn't it? As in most things in life, there are core principles that must be mastered first before moving on to advanced copywriting techniques. Many copywriters never fully master the core principles of the art of copywriting ... instead they're bedazzled with learning flashy techniques.
This is why if you truly master the following 5 copywriting keys, spend hours working on these concepts and you'll have an advantage.
Unique Selling Proposition (USP) Phrases – A good USP is indispensable to your business. Due to lack of space, I’m going to assume you know what a USP is. Here's a little trick to give your USP more firepower, try inserting phrases like ... “Unlike most of our competitor’s who XXX we do XXX.” “Where XXX won’t, we do XXX.” Or “Why settle for the XXX our competitors provide when you can get our XXX.” ... into your web copy. Make reference to your main competitors without naming them. Just give hints as to who they are. This way your prospects will come to the conclusion themselves as to who you’re talking about and this technique will be more powerful.
Answer Objections - Your web copy should answer every conceivable objection. As an objection unanswered is a sale lost. In this case, you want to study your competitor’s websites looking for objections you can raise and answer in your copy that your competitor's copywriters have left out. And then make mention of it in your web copy that most of your competition doesn’t have an answer to this question but you do.
More testimonials/ other credibility builders – Put simply, the man with the most glowing yet believable testimonials wins. Set up a monthly or bi-weekly routine of acquiring testimonials. On top of that, if applicable to your industry, make references to organizations that you belong to and awards you’ve won. Also, acquire logo’s demonstrating that you belong to the Better Business Bureau, or iCop or the like. Think about it, if you’re choosing between site A which has 10 testimonials and logos displaying how secure and honest their business is compared to site B which has 3 testimonials – who are you going to do business with?
Comparisons/comparison charts - This one is absolutely powerful and its influence cannot be denied. Study your competitor’s websites and write down their product/service weak points (price, features, warranty/guarantee, etc.) and make a bar chart on your site. Make sure your strengths are boldly compared against their weakness in this bar chart. Only hint at who your competitors are – you don’t want site visitors going to their sites out of curiosity to confirm what you say is true.
More information – Is your offer easy to understand and clearly explained? Are you summarizing what your prospect is getting for their money and have you given as many benefits and features as you possibly can? Sounds simple, yet it’s absolutely amazing how many marketers don’t give enough information for people to make a decision. You’ll sooner buy from a business that gives you more concise detail as to what you’re getting than one who doesn’t.
Now that you’ve learned these five powerful keys for multiplying the selling power of your websites -you now wield a sharp sword. How you use that sword is up to you. Take heart that most of the people who read this article will go “Hmm” and then forget about it. But if you systematically apply this information, you may usher in one of your best business years yet.